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Official Warns Government Officials Misusing COVID-19 Pickups: Return or Face Public Condemnation

The Deputy Resident City Commissioner (RCC) for Rubaga Division, Herbert Anderson Burora, has issued a stern ultimatum to ministers and government officials who have reportedly repurposed ‘COVID-19 pickups’ for personal use. He urges them to return the vehicles within the next 30 days or face public disclosure and condemnation.

Burora expressed concern over the reported shortage of mobility in some districts and ministry departments, emphasizing that vehicles designated for enhancing the health sector are allegedly being misused for personal errands. He finds it disconcerting that cars intended for health sector improvement are being utilized for activities such as shopping and transporting children to school.

Adding to the gravity of the situation, Burora claimed that some vehicles originally allocated for health response have been seized by Local Council (LC) 5 chairpersons. This, in turn, leaves District Health Officers without the necessary means to effectively carry out their professional responsibilities.

In a clear warning, Burora stated that if the vehicles are not returned by the end of the month, the individuals involved, including ministers and chairpersons, will be publicly identified and criticized for wrongfully abusing the initiative initiated by the President.

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, President Museveni called upon corporate companies and individuals to contribute pickups to enhance the mobility of health workers. Responding to the presidential appeal, numerous pickups were donated, and these vehicles were subsequently distributed to various districts.


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