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Unsolved Mystery: Fatal Attack on Prominent Figure

The Natete Territorial Police has reported a tragic shooting incident that took place at 6pm on Sunday evening in Kikandwa Zone, Lungujja Parish, Lubaga Division. The victim was Mr. Daniel Bbosa, a respected figure as the head of Ndiga Clan and director of Transa Electrical. Mr. Bbosa was fatally shot by unidentified individuals as he approached his residence. The perpetrators, riding on a motorcycle, opened fire on Mr. Bbosa’s vehicle, registered as UAH 637X, resulting in his immediate death. During the attack, a courageous local resident intervened, causing the assailants’ motorcycle to crash and alerting the community. Consequently, community members mobilized and confronted the assailants, leading to one assailant’s death at the scene, while the other is in critical condition.

“The motive behind this senseless act of violence remains unknown, and efforts are underway to identify and apprehend the perpetrators,” stated Deputy Police Spokesperson for Kampala Metropolitan Police, Luke Owoyesigyire. He further added, “We have recovered the firearm allegedly used in the murder incident, along with the motorcycle registered as UEX 754E, which was used by the assailants during the attack. These findings will be crucial in our ongoing investigation


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